3 bedroom apartment for Sale in Rajagiriya

LKR 21,000,000 - Apartment, Residential
* 1200 square feet * 3 bedrooms * 2 bathrooms with hot water * master bedroom air-conditioned and en-suite * Ceiling fans in all rooms…
More Details* 1200 square feet * 3 bedrooms * 2 bathrooms with hot water * master bedroom air-conditioned and en-suite * Ceiling fans in all rooms…
More Details* 7 bedrooms * 8 bathrooms * Domestics and driver’s quarters * 9,000 square feet * 30 perches * 150 metres from Pelawatta MJunction *…
More Details* Open space with some office cubicles built-in * Pantry area and storage room * 2 ladies and 2 gents’ toilets * Elevator * Generator…
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